Our AHA toner can:

✓ tone the skin

✓ Cleanse the pores

✓ support regeneration

✓ Combat the first wrinkles

Time of day

You can use the tonic both in the morning and in the evening.

Skin type

all skin types
Dry skin
blemished skin
Combination skin
Normal skin

Hygienic dispenser

The practical airless dispenser allows you to dose the toner correctly.






After cleansing your face, apply toner to a cotton pad and wipe thoroughly over your face, neck and décolleté.

Main active ingredients

Weißer Tee
Product information "AHA Tonic 200 ml - Toner with anti-ageing effect"

AHA Tonic - our effective AHA toner

Our AHA Tonic is a unique toner with mild fruit acids. The restructuring fruit acid tonic is very well tolerated. It supports the skin's natural acid mantle with mild alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), can promote natural exfoliation and therefore makes it easier for active ingredients to penetrate the skin. Other active ingredients also ensure optimum effects on the skin.

What is a tonic for?

A tonic should be used after every cleansing. It is just as much a part of a balanced facial care routine as the moisturiser itself. But why do you need toner? Not all residues are completely removed during cleansing - so the tonic cleanses the skin again. It also closes the pores so that they cannot become clogged. Toning is therefore the basis for a finely structured and clear complexion.

The combination of active ingredients in the AHA tonic

This toner is based in particular on the regenerating properties of fruit acids, more specifically AHA. AHA stands for alpha-hydroxy acid. These special acids can not only cleanse the skin, but also support skin regeneration.

These AHAs are contained in our toner:

Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is a naturally occurring acid (fruit acid). It can be extracted from grapes, vine leaves, rosemary, sugar beet or sugar cane juice. Among other things, the acid can cause horny cells to peel off. To do this, the structure of some proteins that bind the skin cells is changed. Another short-term effect is that the horny layer can be thinned as a result. However, the horny layer is quickly strengthened again: glycolic acid can penetrate into the lowest layer of the epidermis. There it ensures that cell division runs at full speed and can thus effectively stimulate the skin renewal process. The synthesis of collagen and elastin can also be stimulated thanks to the boosted skin renewal process. This means that small wrinkles can be visibly plumped up and reduced. UV-induced pigmentation spots can also be minimised through the regular use of AHAs, especially glycolic acid. Good results are possible here, particularly in combination with niacinamide and vitamin C products.

Tartaric acid

Tartaric acid is also an alpha hydroxy acid, albeit a somewhat gentler one than glycolic acid. The reason for this is that the molecules of tartaric acid are larger, so that it penetrates the skin slowly. Tartaric acid can also dissolve the bonds between cells in the horny layer and thus thin them. The active ingredient also supports the regeneration of the skin. Collagen and elastin production can also be stimulated by the active ingredient. Tartaric acid is also a popular active ingredient for acne. Tartaric acid is used in particular for pigmentation spots such as age spots or acne scars, melasma and skin discolouration, as it can have a skin-brightening effect and make the skin glow. The AHA tonic can therefore contribute to more even and fresher skin.

Malic acid

The malic acid contained in the AHA tonic is another fruit acid. As the name implies, this natural fruit acid is usually extracted from apples. Malic acid also has a horn-dissolving effect. Like the other two active ingredients, it can also unclog pores and prevent blemishes. It can moisturise the skin and boost cell metabolism, which can lead to fresher, younger-looking skin.

Triple AHA power

The combination of AHA acids it contains can ensure that the skin is thoroughly cleansed. AHA acid can also lead to a reduction in keratinised skin, spots, blackheads, acne scars and wrinkles. Radiance also benefits from a fruit acid tonic: fine pores and a radiantly fresh complexion!

Anti-ageing tonic

The white tea contained in the AHA tonic is an anti-ageing active ingredient that can counteract wrinkles. White tea is harvested from the same buds as green tea, but is much more complex to process. White tea also contains caffeine and large amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, fluoride, sodium and zinc. In addition, white tea contains three times as many catechins as green tea! This makes white tea an extra powerful antioxidant. It can neutralise free radicals that can age the skin more quickly. White tea can also have a moisturising effect in our AHA tonic. This effect is supported by the sorbitol it contains. It nourishes the skin and also moisturises. This is a natural way to prevent skin ageing!

Ingredients (click for more information)


Hautbedürfnis: Anti-Aging , Hydration , Pore Refinement , Purity , Radiance , Regeneration
Hauttyp: Combination Skin , Dry Skin , Impure Skin , Mature Skin , Normal Skin , Sensitive Skin
Inhalt: 200 ml
Produkt-Typ: Facial Cleansing , Toner
Sonstige Eigenschaften: vegan
Textur: Liquid
Wirkstoff: fruit acid , sorbitol , white tea

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7 March 2024 00:00

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7 March 2024 00:00

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7 April 2023 00:00

Zacht voor de huid ,geen irrit

Zacht voor de huid ,geen irritaties.

11 August 2015 09:00


Meine Poren haben sich dank diesem Tonic sichtbar verfeinert, außerdem ist es unglaublich erfrischend.

6 March 2019 07:36


Ich kann dieses Tonic wirklich jedem weiterempfehlen. Ich habe über 3 Jahre gegen Erwachsenen Acne gekämpft da ich mit der Pille aufgehört habe. Mal war es schlimmer mal besser aber nichts hat wirklich dauerhaft oder zufriedenstellend geholfen. Selbst mein Hautarzt konnte mir nicht helfen außer mit aggressiven Tabletten, die ich nicht nehmen wollte. Nun benutze ich seit ca. 4 Wochen das Tonic und ich muss sagen es hat mein Leben verändert. Ich habe so schöne Haut wie lange nicht mehr und selbst die Acnenarben werden immer weniger. Poren werden immer kleiner und selbst bei Hormonschwankungen ( vor und wärend der Periode) bleibt meine Haut wunderschön. Von mir also eine klare Kaufempfehlung. Vielen Dank an Rau!!!

7 March 2024 00:00

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7 March 2024 00:00

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16 March 2016 12:08

Tolles Produkt

Ein tolles Produkt bei unreiner Haut. Kommt bei mir auf jeden Fall zum Dauereinsatz.

20 July 2015 13:21

tolles Tonic

Seit dem ich dieses AHA Tonic verwende hat sich meine Haut enorm verbessert, sie ist viel reiner und zarter geworden. Ich verwende es alle zwei Tage.

7 March 2024 00:00

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